vehicle maintenance checklist

Vehicle Maintenance Checklist

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Vehicle Maintenance Checklist

Engine Oil





Windshield Wipers

Air Filter

Cooling System

Transmission Fluid

Steering and Suspension

Exhaust System

Interior and Exterior Cleaning

Engine Oil

  • Check Oil Level: Regularly check the engine oil level and top up if necessary to ensure proper lubrication of engine components.
  • Oil Change: Follow the manufacturer’s recommendation for oil change intervals to maintain engine efficiency and longevity.

2. Tires

  • Pressure Check: Monthly checks of tire pressure ensure optimal tire performance and fuel efficiency.
  • Rotation and Balancing: Rotate tires according to the manufacturer’s schedule to promote even wear and extend tire life.
  • Tread Inspection: Inspect tire tread for signs of uneven wear, bald spots, or damage to prevent accidents.

3. Brakes

  • Brake Pads/Shoes: Check for wear and replace them if they are worn down to avoid decreased braking performance.
  • Brake Fluid: Check fluid levels and condition. Replace fluid if it is dirty or at manufacturer-recommended intervals.

4. Battery

  • Terminals: Clean battery terminals to prevent corrosion and ensure a strong connection.
  • Charge Level: Test the battery charge level, especially before winter, to ensure it can hold a charge.

5. Lights

  • Functionality Check: Regularly check all exterior and interior lights for functionality to ensure visibility and safety.
  • Cleanliness: Keep lights clean from dirt and grime to maintain brightness and visibility.

6. Windshield Wipers

  • Blade Inspection: Replace wiper blades if they are cracked, torn, or do not effectively clear the windshield during rain.
  • Fluid Level: Ensure the windshield washer fluid reservoir is filled to clean the windshield effectively.

7. Air Filter

  • Inspection and Replacement: Check the air filter every 12,000 miles or as recommended. Replace if dirty or clogged to ensure proper air flow to the engine.

8. Cooling System

  • Coolant Level: Check the coolant level in the overflow tank and top up if necessary to prevent overheating.
  • Hoses and Belts: Inspect for cracks, leaks, or signs of wear and replace as needed to avoid breakdowns.

9. Transmission Fluid

  • Fluid Check: Check the transmission fluid level and condition. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for changing the fluid to ensure smooth gear shifting.

10. Steering and Suspension

  • Inspection: Regularly inspect the steering and suspension system for wear or damage to maintain proper vehicle handling and comfort.

11. Exhaust System

  • Leak Check: Inspect the exhaust system for leaks, damage, or rust. A leaky exhaust can lead to dangerous fumes entering the vehicle cabin.

12. Interior and Exterior Cleaning

  • Regular Cleaning: Keep the vehicle’s interior and exterior clean to protect the paint and interior surfaces, contributing to the vehicle’s longevity and resale value.

This comprehensive vehicle maintenance checklist ensures that all critical aspects of your vehicle are regularly inspected and maintained, promoting safety, reliability, and efficiency on the road.

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