
sleepover checklist

Planning a sleepover can be a fun but challenging task. To help you manage every detail, To help you plan for a SLeep over and make it as fun as possible we have created this Sleepover Checklist and Guide.

Our aim is to make sure all sleepover runs smoothly, from the planning all the way through to the morning after.

We cover everything from preparation to guest invitations, activities, packing lists, food, and, most importantly, safety measures.

Sleepover Checklist

Sleepover Checklist

Before the Sleepover

Packing List for Guests

Sleepover Setup

Activities and Entertainment

Food and Drinks

Safety and Comfort

During the Sleepover

Morning After

Sleepover Checklist Guide

Before the Sleepover

  • Confirm guest list: work out how many guests you can comfortably sleep over
  • Send out invitations: Once you have worked out how many guests are coming, then you can send out the invitations. you can find invitation templates either online or at your local celebration gift shop. include details of date time what to bring etc
  • Plan activities: During the sleepover it’s a good idea to have a range of activities to choose from such as games movies crafts things like that. offer a range to choose from so everybody feels that they are included.
  • Prepare a menu: Times Like These you don’t want to really be cooking or doing anything too heavy in terms of food preparation. keep it easy for yourself on the people that are sleeping over and also kids tend to enjoy pizzas sandwiches and snacks, you may even also opted for a takeaway if you wish
  • Gather contact information for parents: Ensure you have emergency contact numbers for all guests for parents or guardians etc.

Packing List for Guests

  • Pajamas: Have backup sleepwear, for those who forget and for those who are accidents during the night.
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste: You may wish to also put on the invitation list to bring hygiene items, but having a spare toothbrush to hand will be a good thing to have.
  • Hairbrush/comb: Ensure everyone looks their best.
  • Change of clothes: clothes is something surely that the person attending the sleepover would bring ideally a fresh out of clothes is best butt not essential and they can by all means put on the clothes from the previous night if need be.
  • Sleeping bag and pillow: Back up pillows is always a good idea, even better if you have a range of different types of pillows, but by no means essential.
  • Any required medications: This one is important, it’s always worth just a quick check to make sure that the people sleeping over don’t have any further medical requirements such as medications that need to take at night or in the morning.

Sleepover Setup

  • Arrange sleeping area: Make use of sleeping bags, blow up beds or spare rooms even.
  • Set up sleeping bags and pillows: Have extra blankets and pillows available especially in the colder months
  • Prepare entertainment: If moves is the choice of entertainment, have a selection of movies and games ready to go or to choose from
  • Stock up on snacks and drinks: Keep plenty of snacks and drinks accessible throughout the evening, everyone loves a snack! 🙂

Activities and Entertainment

  • Plan games: Offer a mix of board games and video games to cater to different interests and ages.
  • Organize a movie night: Create a cozy movie-watching area and keep the films family friendly!
  • Set up craft stations: Simple crafts can be a fun and creative activity. ie jigsaws, building things if its boy sleep over
  • Prepare music or a karaoke machine: Music is always a great additional on a sleep over as it creates the perfect ambience depending on what kind of music is mutually enjoyed

Food and Drinks

  • Prepare dinner or order takeout: Opt for easy and kid-friendly options. Pizza is always a favorite.
  • Arrange snacks and drinks: Have a variety of snacks like chips, popcorn, and fruit.
  • Plan breakfast options for the morning: Simple breakfast foods like cereal, muffins, and juice.
  • Consider any dietary restrictions: Check with parents beforehand to accommodate any food allergies or preferences.

Safety and Comfort

  • Set ground rules for behavior: The one thing with the sleepover is that they are generally attended by young children young excited children at that. so ground rules need to be laid out from the beginning by the parents.
  • Ensure emergency contact information is accessible: always have emergency contact numbers for yourself but also make everybody wearing the house what emergency numbers can be used as well.
  • Provide night lights or flashlights: flashlights were always a good idea in case there’s a power cut or just for Innocent fund during the night.
  • Keep first aid kit available: you never know what may happen with youngsters so always have a first aid kit available just in case.

During the Sleepover

  • Welcome guests and collect belongings: Greet each guest make them feel settled as soon as they walk in, some children may not appear comfortable at first as even asleep over could be a new experience for them.
  • Supervise activities: I was include everybody in activities and games etc keep them aimed and targeted for the whole family.
  • Serve food and snacks: Keep the food and snacks flowing throughout the evening.
  • Ensure guests are comfortable: Check in with guests to make sure they are having a good time.
  • Monitor bedtime routine: Help guests wind down and get ready for bed at a reasonable time, often young children are often excitable at night.

Morning After

  • Serve breakfast: Have a breakfast ready for when the kids wake up remember the most important meal of the day is breakfast! and to cater for all have variety available if possible.
  • Plan morning activities: When guests are staying longer, either offer more activities, or better still enjoy the great outdoors together!
  • Ensure all belongings are packed: Always check nothing gets left behind!
  • Confirm pickup times with parents: Communicate with parents when pick up time will be, or ring in advance.
  • Clean up and reset the space: Tidy up after guests and get the house back to how it was! 🙂

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