pet sitter checklist

Pet Sitter Checklist

To ensure peace of mind and the best care for your furry friend, we’ve created this detailed Pet Sitter Checklist.

It covers everything from your pet’s daily routine to emergency contact information, ensuring your pet sitter has all the necessary details at their fingertips.

This checklist for your Pet Sitter is designed to make the handover process smooth and stress-free for both you and the sitter. Simpy hand this over with all the relevant details and they are all set.

Pet Sitter Checklist

Pet Sitter Checklist

Pet Information

Daily Routine

Health and Safety

House Rules

Comfort and Care

Contact Information

Additional Notes

Pet Information

  • Name, breed, age: Basic info to help the sitter identify and understand your pet.
  • Food preferences and schedule: Details about what and when your pet eats to maintain their diet.
  • Medication details (if any): Instructions for any required medications, including dosages and times.
  • Favorite toys and activities: Keeps the pet engaged and happy with familiar items and play.

Daily Routine

  • Feeding times and amounts: Ensures consistent diet and portion control.
  • Walk and exercise schedule: Keeps the pet physically active and maintains their routine.
  • Bathroom habits and schedule: Helps prevent accidents and maintains comfort.
  • Bedtime routine: Ensures the pet sleeps well and feels secure.

Health and Safety

  • Vet contact information: Essential for medical advice or emergencies.
  • Emergency contact details: Key contacts if the sitter can’t reach you.
  • Known allergies or health issues: Prevents health risks and prepares the sitter for potential issues.
  • Location of first aid kit: For quick access in case of minor injuries.

House Rules

  • Areas off-limits to pets: Protects certain areas of your home and keeps the pet safe.
  • Pet-related chores: Maintains cleanliness and order, like litter box duties.
  • Instructions for waste disposal: Ensures proper hygiene and cleanliness.
  • Guidelines for treats and snacks: Prevents overfeeding and maintains diet.

Comfort and Care

  • Instructions for grooming: Keeps the pet well-groomed and comfortable.
  • Comfort items: Helps the pet feel secure and happy in your absence.
  • Behavior and temperament notes: Prepares the sitter for how the pet may react in various situations.
  • Interaction with other pets or people: Ensures safe and appropriate social interactions.

Contact Information

  • Your contact details: For regular updates or urgent queries.
  • Backup contact in case of emergencies: Alternative contact if you’re unavailable.
  • Neighbor or friend’s contact: For local assistance if needed.

Additional Notes

  • Wi-Fi password and home instructions: For the sitter’s convenience and home care.
  • Location of pet supplies and food: Ensures the sitter knows where to find everything.
  • Special instructions or preferences: Any additional details to personalize care.
  • Emergency procedures for home and pet: Prepares the sitter for unexpected situations.


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