pet relocation checklist

Pet Relocation Checklist

If your looking to move home, here is our Pet Relocation Checklist to help with this.

Moving with a Pet Checklist

Moving with a Pet Checklist

Before the Move

During the Move

Upon Arrival


Before the Move:

  • Visit the Vet: Schedule a check-up for your pet to ensure they are healthy for travel. Get any necessary vaccinations and request a health certificate.
  • Update Identification: Make sure your pet’s ID tags and microchip information are updated with your new address and contact details.
  • Research Pet Regulations: Check for any pet regulations or quarantine requirements in your new location.
  • Secure a Pet Carrier: Get a comfortable and appropriately sized carrier for your pet, especially if you’re traveling by air.
  • Plan Your Travel Route: If driving, plan pet-friendly stops. For air travel, check airline pet policies.
  • Pack a Pet Essentials Bag: Include food, water, bowls, leash, waste bags, medication, and a favorite toy or blanket.

During the Move:

  • Keep Your Pet Secure: Use the carrier or a pet seatbelt. Never let pets roam freely in the car.
  • Maintain Routine: Stick to regular feeding and walking schedules as much as possible.
  • Stay Calm: Pets can sense stress, so try to remain calm to help them stay relaxed.

Upon Arrival:

  • Pet-Proof the New Home: Before letting your pet explore, ensure the space is safe – check for hazards like open windows or toxic plants.
  • Gradual Introduction: Slowly introduce your pet to different areas of the new home.
  • Find a New Vet: Locate a veterinarian in your new area and transfer your pet’s medical records.
  • Update Registration: If your new area requires pet registration, do this promptly.
  • Explore Together: Help your pet acclimate by taking them on walks in the neighborhood.


  • Monitor Behavior: Pay attention to your pet’s behavior for signs of stress or anxiety.
  • Maintain Consistency: Keep up with familiar routines and schedules to help your pet adjust.
  • Provide Extra Love and Attention: Comfort your pet with extra cuddles and playtime during this transition period.

Moving can be stressful for pets, but with careful planning and consideration, you can make the transition as smooth as possible.

Discover our thorough All-in-One Moving Home Checklist.

Key Guides for Your Home Move:

First Apartment Starter Checklist – Setting up your first apartment? Our checklist is a must-have, guiding you through the essentials for creating a homely and functional space, including furniture and kitchen items.

Streamlined School Transition Checklist – Facing a school change? This checklist ensures a smooth transition, covering all the essentials from necessary paperwork to preparation tips for a new school environment.

Ultimate Neighborhood Assessment Guide – Considering a new neighborhood? Our checklist aids in evaluating potential areas, focusing on crucial elements like safety, local amenities, and community atmosphere.

Comprehensive Moving and Packing Checklist – Need a blueprint for packing? Our checklist provides a detailed approach, ensuring you have everything in order for a well-organized and smooth moving experience.

In-Depth Home Inventory Checklist for Insurance – Creating a home inventory for insurance? This checklist is a great tool for systematically recording your belongings, preparing you for any eventuality like theft or natural disasters.

Handy Utility Setup Checklist for New Residents – Setting up utilities in your new house? Our printable checklist walks you through organizing all vital services, ensuring a seamless start in your new home.

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